Friday 17 June 2022

Clinical Evaluation and Its Process – I3CGLOBAL

 A blog about clinical evaluation, CER report, process, and why it is important and necessary.

What is the Clinical Evaluation?

Clinical evaluation is the process of implementing and evaluating a clinical hypothesis using quantifiable data. Clinical evaluation is necessary to determine whether there exists a hypothesis-to-data fit in order to draw conclusions about the functionality or utility of medical or health technologies to make claims about safety, efficacy and performance.

To establish a hypothesis-to-data fit between the intended and actual use of a technology, the intended use is evaluated by implementing it in the field and collecting data such that both are aligned.

This requires an understanding of how users interact with information technology (IT) when they are confronted with real-world challenges. The study results are then analyzed to derive inferences on how well IT enabled healthcare providers or patients to improve or optimize their performance or safety when confronted with real-world challenges.

In other words,

Clinical evaluation is the process of assessing the progress of an individual's condition and is a routine aspect of healthcare delivery. It involves direct observation of patients in order to assess and document their compliance to pre-determined medical/health treatment as well as their response to that treatment.

Clinical Evaluation Process

Clinical evaluation is a process that evaluates the safety of a new drug, device or medical procedure. Clinical evaluation is conducted in several phases, including clinical trials, which are research studies that test whether a new drug, device or medical procedure works and is safe.

Clinical evaluations are conducted by qualified individuals called investigators who have been trained to conduct clinical trials. Investigators monitor patients' reactions to the new drug, device or medical procedure and report their observations to the sponsor (usually an institution or company) so that appropriate action can be taken if there are problems with the new drug, device or medical procedure.

Clinical evaluations can take place in hospitals, outpatient clinics, nursing homes and other locations where patients may receive treatment for an illness or injury. They can also take place at home if patients are being treated for chronic illnesses such as diabetes mellitus.

Who needs a clinical evaluation?

The type of information required in a clinical evaluation depends on the purpose of the evaluation. In some cases, the information may be required to help a clinician diagnose a condition or determine the severity of an injury. For example, if you are seeking treatment for your cold, you might be asked to provide information about your symptoms and their severity.

In other cases, information is required to help a clinician determine how well a patient is responding to treatment—for example, if you are being treated for depression with medication and therapy sessions, your doctor will want to know how well those treatments are working for you.

Finally, some clinicians need information in order to make sure that their patients' health needs are being met—for example, if you have diabetes and require regular blood tests or annual checkups with your doctor.

Clinical Evaluation Report for Medical Devices

The clinical evaluation report for medical device is a summary of the results of a clinical study conducted to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of a medical device. The report should include information about the patient population, how the patients were assigned to treatment groups, how the patients were monitored for adverse events, and what conclusions can be drawn from these data.

The clinical evaluation report for medical device should be written in a clear, concise manner that is understandable by readers who may not have extensive experience with medicine or research methods.

If you are writing the report yourself, it is important to keep in mind that your audience will include physicians, researchers, regulatory agencies such as the FDA, and members of the public who have an interest in your product.

At I3CGLOBAL, we provide Clinical Evaluation Report Writing and Clinical Investigation Service. Contact us for genuine service in line with article 61 and MEDDEV 2.7.1 Rev 4 and ISO 14144 standards.